

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Newspaper print

Well.... for anyone still reading my blog you are probably wondering why I'm still writing it. The answer...I want to keep it updated because although the trip has finished, WaterAids work hasn't, and neither has my contribution. I want to keep people updated with what I am doing and also use it to track what I have done. 

So since I last posted Southern Water had their xmas ball which raised money for three charities, one of which was WaterAid. All of th money raised for WaterAid is going direct to Uganda, so for me it was amazing to think that £25,666 (give or take) will go directly to the country programme team that we visited and will help them help some of the communities we spent time in.... Amazing. Hopefully Aguti Agnes and her family are one step closer to that much needed water supply! Ojalai village is school is one step closer to some new toilets, etc etc. My colleagues who arranged the ball did a fantastic job but for me, as an attendee, it was difficult sitting there, eating amazing food with an endless supply of water, (and wine) trying to think back to just two weeks before when I walked through the Kampala Slums. What a different world! But well done Laura and Anita for arranging it, fantastic!

Today I had an article published in the Littlehampton Gazette....massive news I know haha, but even if a few people in Littlehampton read about the trip and read this blog, they may not have otherwise thought about WaterAid, so that will be success indeed. Even more exciting, myself and Sophie from the Environment Agency have been invited to talk to Danny Pike (ironically he was compere at the ball) on BBC Sussex on 22 December. I'm really excited about this, and I am sure Sophie is too.

So that's it really from me, I just wanted to share a few more pictures from the trip I didn't have before. I still have some plans to raise money and awareness next year, which is a big reason why I want to keep this blog going.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget if you want to get involved or you want to hear more about my trip, please get in touch with me.


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